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Table 3 Climate financial reporting impact index

From: The impact of climate risk disclosure on financial performance, financial reporting and risk management: evidence from Egypt


FR = f (Presentation of financial statements, Estimation uncertainties and assumptions, Fair value measurement, Financial instruments, Liquidity, Impairment of Assets, Cash Flow, Intangible assets, Inventories, Property, plant and equipment, Provisions and contingent liabilities, Revenue)

Binary Variable

Recommended Impacts

0 = not disclosed

1 = disclosed

Financial statements presentation

1. Is management aware of significant climate-related uncertainties that could make it questionable whether the entity can continue as a going concern? Have these been made public, if so?

2. If the IFRS requirements are insufficient to allow users to comprehend the effects of significant climate-related matters on the entity's financial position, financial performance, and cash flows, have additional disclosures been made?

3. Are there any climate-related details that are relevant to understanding the financial statements but are not included in the statements of financial position or profit or loss but are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements?

4. Is it possible to improve the quality and accessibility of quantitative climate-related financial disclosures in order to ensure consistency between financial statements and climate-related financial disclosures?


Estimation uncertainties and assumptions

5. Have the significant risk factors for a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the upcoming financial year, including key future assumptions and other significant sources of key estimation uncertainty, been disclosed?


Fair value measurement

6. Does disclosing how climate-related risks are taken into account in any fair value calculations aid users in evaluating the valuation methods and inputs—including those related to climate change—used to determine the assets and liabilities fair values?

7. Has the appropriate disclosure been made in cases where climate-related inputs into determining the fair value of assets and liabilities are thought to be a significant source of estimation uncertainty?


Financial instruments

8. Disclosure is provided regarding how exposure to climate-related risk affects projected credit losses for loans and investments?

9. Disclosure is provided about how the entity controls its exposure to climate-related risks with respect to financial instruments?



10. Has the management of material liquidity risks related to climate change been disclosed?


Impairment of assets

11. Has the entity considered whether there are any indicators of asset impairment related to the climate?


cash flow

12. Has the influence of identified climate-related indicators on long-term future cash flows, asset remaining usable lifetimes, and value in use calculation when determining the recoverable amount of the assets in issue been assessed?


Intangible assets

13. Have the effects of climate-related issues been taken into account when determining the amortization period and method for intangible assets with a limited useful life by the entity?



14. Have such costs been excluded from inventory balances and expensed as incurred where climate-related events have caused interruptions in the production or development of inventories, while costs that do not necessarily contribute to bringing the inventories to their current location and condition and are considered "abnormal"?


Property, plant and equipment

15. Has the company considered how climate-related factors may have affected the remaining value and useful life of its assets?

16. Have the sources of estimation uncertainty and important assumptions, as well as relevant sensitivities, been reported when substantial climate-related assumptions or estimates have been utilized in determining the usable life and/or residual value of the asset?


Provisions and contingent liabilities

17. Have any disclosures been made about climate-related uncertainty concerning the timing of the repayments of the obligations for which the company has provided?

18. Where the effect of the time value of money is considerable, has the entity addressed the risks and uncertainties associated with climate-related problems when estimating the cash flows and discount rates to measure its provision?

19. Has the entity considered whether it might be necessary to disclose new contingent liabilities related to climate-related issues for potential obligations or for previously remote contingencies that now seem likely?



20. Has the company taken into account how climate-related factors may affect the amount of money it makes or spends to complete contracts that span several months/years?

21. Has the company provide extra information where significant judgment has been required in assessing the impact of climate-related factors on contracts that span several months/years, and/or the term of amortization of capitalized contract costs?
