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Table 9 Future research agenda

From: Management research and the impact of COVID-19 on performance: a bibliometric review and suggestions for future research



Research questions


Ivanov [51]

RQ1: How can we make innovations and data work for Supply Chain resilience in crisis times?

RQ2: How can new digital technologies improve the ripple effect control in cases of epidemic outbreaks?


Sigala [53]

RQ3: How do crises accelerate technology innovation and change?

RQ4: What is the impact of COVID-19 across all the actors of the same tourism stakeholder group?

RQ5: What is the impact of COVID-19 on different market segments and stakeholders?

RQ6: What are the effects of COVID-19 on employee psychological, mental and physical health, engagement, working conditions and other human resource issues within the tourism industry?


Ramelli and Wagner [21]

RQ7: What is the effect of the ongoing policy interventions and individual behavior changes on the economic recovery of countries worldwide?


Jiang and Wen [54]

RQ8: What are the effects of big data and analytics (i.e., AI, hygiene and healthcare practices) on digital transformation in the hospitality industry?

RQ9: Do technology-based approaches affect service disruptions and failure and guest loyalty, in the post-Covid era?

RQ10: What are the different approaches via which hotels could work with governmental agencies to develop coordination mechanisms and comprehensive crisis management schemes?


Kraus et al. [24]

RQ11: To what extent is an initial discussion of a business model innovation during a crisis affect actual implementation in the long run?

RQ12: How are family managers assessing the current crisis situation, and how decision-making about coping mechanisms is utilized in various family situations?


Carnevale and Hatak [78]

RQ13: Does COVID-19 affect employee adjustment and well-being?


Baum and Hai [71]

RQ14: Does Covid-19 affect human rights in the context of hospitality and tourism?


Jamal and Budke [90]

RQ15: What are the effects of the 2019-novel coronavirus on Countries and destinations using both monetary and non-monetary metrics?


Lai and Wong [91]

RQ16: How does epidemic crisis strategies for boutique hotels and resorts differ across hotel segments?


Jones and Comfort [92]

RQ17: How and where can we integrate local aspirations and values into corporate approaches to sustainability, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, using case studies of local hospitality managers within less developed counties?


Kabadayi et al. 72

RQ18: To explore how and when service companies adopt technology and automation in response to SMDs such as COVID-19?


Zhang et al. [58]

RQ19: Where are the antecedents of employee safety behavior from organizational and individual levels in the era of Covid-19?


Ahrens and Ferry [93]

RQ20: What are the tactics used as the crisis unfolded by both local and central governments across the globe?

  1. The table shows 20 future research questions. RQ denotes research question