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Table 8 Moderated mediation effect of Perceived overqualification (because of unused skills and experience, POQSE, and because of unused knowledge and education, POQKE) on Organizational commitment; Pessimism as a moderator

From: Job attributes affect the relationship between perceived overqualification and retention

  1. Values in parentheses are BootLLCI and BootULCI. The significance of parameters at the level of 0.95
  2. ––- if the indirect effect X → M → Y is insignificant, see Table 5, therefore it does not make sense to test the moderated mediation effect
  3. The findings in Table 8 come from Hayes PROCESS for SPSS and SAS, model 7 and model 14 (see Fig. 6); age and gender are statistically insignificant controls
  4. Number of participants: N = 100 for POQSE and N = 90 for POQNE
  5. Source: author’s estimation