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Table 6 Direct effects of Overqualification ( POQSE or POQKE) on Organizational commitment as well as indirect effects by one of four following mediators: Nonwage benefits; Elasticity of work hours; Procedural justice; Pay satisfaction

From: Job attributes affect the relationship between perceived overqualification and retention

  1. Statistically significant effects are in bold
  2. Values in parenthesis are LLCI and ULCI for direct effects and BootLLCI and BootULCI for indirect effects
  3. The significance of parameters at the level of 0.95
  4. The results in Table 4 come from Hayes PROCESS for SPSS and SAS, model 4 (see Fig. 5); age and gender are statistically insignificant controls
  5. Number of participants: N = 100 for POQSE and N = 90 for POQNE
  6. Source: author’s estimation