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Table 1 Detailed literature review

From: Modeling the enablers of online consumer engagement and platform preference in online food delivery platforms during COVID-19


Methods and theory


Integrated constructs

Busalim et al.[32]

203 Survey UGT

To identify factors affecting consumer engagement in social commerce

Customer engagement behavior, social interaction, technological factors, interactivity, and motivational factors

Troise et al.[6]

425 Survey TPB

To address the gap on the antecedents behind the consumer’s choice to adopt online food delivery apps

Attitude, Perceived usefulness, Perceived behavior control, Subjective norms, Perceived usefulness, Convenience, Various food choices, Perceived ease of use

Zhao and Bacao [7]

532 Survey UGT

To fill the gap between factors that determines the intention of users to use food delivery applications during COVID-19

Continuance intention, Trust, Social influence, Effort expectancy, Satisfaction, Performance expectancy

Li and Mirosa [1]

Review Studies

To identify all stakeholders’ opportunities for intervention, particularly online FDAs, business experts, customers and academics, policymakers, to optimize its positive impact and reduce its adverse effects

Review Studies

Kaur et al.[31]

309 Survey UGT

To investigate both the virtual goods purchase intention on continuance intention and mobile instant messaging (MIM) toward MIM itself

Escape, Exposure, Affection, Entertainment, Purchase Intention, Continuation Intentions, Information seeking, Social sharing

Raza et al.[30]

250 Survey UGT and TPB

To explore the intense use of Facebook among the students by incorporating the structure of UGT

Escape and Intensive, Ease of use and Intensive, Information seeking and Intensive, Subjective norm and Intensive, Social relationship, Education, Career opportunities, Perceived behavioral control, attitude

Ray et al.[25]

395 Survey UGT

To evaluate the variables affecting the endorsement of the FDAs

Delivery Experience, Ease of use, listing, Customer Experience, convenience, Quality control, Search of restaurants, Societal Pressure,

Lim and Kumar [33]

796 Survey UGT

To recognize the motives of customers to engage in online social networking

Information, Incentives, Entertainment, Connectedness, Brand likability, Brand attachment, Global and local businesses, Age, Gender, brand online social networking commitment

Gan and Li [34]

297 Survey UGT

This study sheds light on reinforcing the functions of various gratifications in influencing consumers' continuing actions of information systems in the social network

Social gratification, Technology gratification, Utilitarian gratification, continuance intention, hedonic gratification

Heravi, Mubarak and Raymond Choo [35]

521 Survey UGT

To investigate privacy attitudes and behaviors in online social networks (OSNs)

Information privacy in OSN, Motives and information privacy, Self-disclosure, Information privacy, and self-disclosure, Privacy behavior

Phua, Jin and Kim [29]

305 Survey UGT

Compared social capital bridging and bonding between regular Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat users and different intervening variables affecting their relationship

Introversion, SNS privacy concerns, SNS trust, tie strength, and homophile, SNS intensity, Bridging and bonding social capital, social networking sites use

Punyanunt-Carter, De La Cruz and Wrench [36]

475 Survey UGT

To analyze the desired uses and rewards obtained via Snapchat, especially within the context of gender

Life Orientation, Communication Apprehension, Snapchat Satisfaction, Communication Apprehension, Snapchat Intensity, Communication Motives, Needs Satisfaction, Exhibitionism

Malik, Dhir and Nieminen [37]

368 Survey UGT

To determine the various gratifications behind Facebook-based photograph sharing related activities

Information sharing, Social interaction, Entertainment, Disclosure, Affection seeking, Habitual pastime, Social influence, Attention seeking,

Ifinedo [38]

797 Survey UGT

To explore the growing use of SNSs

Uses and gratification theory, Pervasive adoption, Social influence, individualism and collectivism, behavioral intention to use SNSs,

Ha et al.[28]

641 Survey UGT

To identify the gratifications of mobile SNS usage and their impact on user behavior

Cognitive, integrative, social integrative, mobile convenience, hedonic, Actual use, attitude toward mobile SNS

  1. Theory of planned behavior (TPB); uses and gratifications theory (UGT); unified theory of use and acceptance of technology (UTAUT)