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Table 3 Total sub-factors loaded under each PC group

From: The pillars determining financial inclusion among SMEs in Egypt: service awareness, access and usage metrics and macroeconomic policies

PCA 1 (macroeconomic risk pertinent to SMEs)

Explained variance

PCA 2 (usage of financial services by SMEs)

Explained variance

PCA 3 (marketing promotion tools to SMEs)

Explained variance

D1: monetary policy (Interest rate)


F2: SMEs with outstanding loans


B3: PR campaign


D2: Inflation rate


F3: SMEs with payroll accounts


B4:Social media campaign


Interaction between D1* D2


Interaction F2* F3


interaction between B3*B4


  1. Extraction method: principal component analysis. Rotation method: varimax with Kaiser normalization. A. Rotation converged in five iterations