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Table 5 Discriminant validity test: aVE, r and \(r^{2}\)

From: Internal and external determinants of corporate social responsibility practices in multinational enterprise subsidiaries in developing countries: evidence from Ethiopia







 Competitiveness (0.63)



 Exploring CSR (0.71)



 Exploiting CSR (0.69)



 Collaboration (0.71)



 Accommodation (0.62)



Competitiveness (0.63)


 Exploring CSR (0.71)



 Exploiting CSR (0.69)



 Collaboration (0.71)



 Accommodation (0.62)



Exploring CSR (0.70)


 Exploiting CSR (0.69)



 Collaboration (0.71)



 Accommodation (0.62)



Exploiting CSR (0.69)


 Collaboration (0.71)



 Accommodation (0.62)



Collaboration (0.71)


 Accommodation (0.62)



  1. Values in the parentheses are AVE values of each construct. The correlation coefficients (r values) are reported by AMOS 22